
Amagerrevyen er lokal revy af den bedste slags

Igen i år charmerer Amagerrevyen sit publikum med skøn lokal forankring.

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Øget sikkerhed ved årets Eurovision

Når dette års Eurovision finder sted på den anden side af Øresund i Malmö i begyndelsen af maj, vil der være iværksat sikkerhedstiltag.

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Her er homoseksualitet ulovligt del III


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Komedie uden kant

Folketeatret har Danmarkspremiere på den amerikanske feelgoodkomedie Grand Horizons, som på dansk er blevet til Nye Tider.

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Hyggelig Grethe Ingmann forestilling i Tivoli

Man kan lige nå det i aften, hvis man vil have en hyggelig og nostalgisk aften i selskab med Trine Pallesens fine portræt af Grethe Ingmann. 

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Ud over kanten

Park Teatret har haft premiere på den fine forestilling Kant om en dreng, der undres over universets uendelighed. 

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Hyggelig Grethe Ingemann forestilling i Tivoli

Man kan lige nå det i aften, hvis man vil have en hyggelig og nostalgisk aften i selskab med Trine Pallesens fine portræt af Grethe Ingemann. 

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 35
Her er homoseksualitet ulovligt del II

Selvom vi nu er i det 21. århundrede, har ligestilling for LGBTpersoner verden over desværre lang vej igen. 

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 103
Kun det bedste er godt nok

Den rigtigt gode idé med Kunstnerkabaret på Riddersalen fortsætter flot med den nyeste forestilling. 

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Her er homoseksualitet ulovligt del I

Selvom vi nu er i det 21. århundrede, har ligestilling for LGBTpersoner verden over desværre lang vej igen. 

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 123
Operaakademiets koncert afspejler tingenes tilstand iden professionelle operaverden

Sangernesvarierende niveau, sygdom og lejlighedsvist også instruktørens misgreb gjorde Operaakademietskoncert på Gamle Scene til en blandet oplevelse, dog overvejende i den positiveende.

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Grand Prix musical er stadig et hit

Musicalteatret har igen sat musicalen Vi maler byen rød op, og den er da også teatrets største succes gennem tiden. 

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ABBAs Waterloo fylder 50 år

For 50 år siden, den 6. april 1974 i The Dome i Brighton, iklædt farverige glamrockkostumer og skyhøje hæle, skrev Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson og AnniFrid "Frida" Lyngstad musikhistorie ved at vinde Eurovision Song Contest med sangen Waterloo. Det blev starten på en fantastisk karriere.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 49
Uganda fastholder lov mod homoseksualitet 

Uganda har valgt at holde fast i en lov, der betyder, at "homoseksuelle handlinger" i visse tilfælde kan straffes med døden.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 47
What Are the Most Effective Drills for Building Tactical Awareness in Youth Soccer Players?

In the dynamic world of soccer, tactical awareness is essential. It helps players navigate the field, understand the game, and enhance their performance. For youth soccer players, developing this skill early can be a definitive factor in their future in the sport. As coaches, your role is crucial in designing and executing the right drills […]

Homotropolis - læs mere - hits: 50
How Does a Mediterranean Diet Contribute to Cognitive Function and Longevity?

A nutritious, well-balanced diet is the cornerstone of good health, but the eating habits of the Mediterranean region have been generating quite a buzz in the wellness community. The Mediterranean diet, laden with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, is touted for its myriad health benefits. Notably, research drawn from various scholar study and […]

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What’s the Technique for a Creamy New York-Style Bagel with Lox and Capers?

There’s something said about the familiar aroma of a fresh baked bagel, the velvety cream cheese, the aromatic dill, and the salty smoked salmon, coming together to create a symphony of flavors. The bagel with lox and capers is more than a sandwich; it’s a New York tradition. In this article, you’ll learn the technique […]

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How Can Mental Skills Coaches Aid Cricketers in Handling High-Pressure Situations?

In the high-stakes world of competitive cricket, mental toughness is just as crucial as physical ability. Athletes often face intense pressure situations that can make or break a game. However, players can significantly enhance their performance by developing their mental skills, just like physical training. Mental skills coaches, a relatively new but increasingly essential figure […]

Homotropolis - læs mere - hits: 44
What’s the Role of Sensor Fusion in Advancing Autonomous Robotics?

For those of you who are fascinated by the world of robotics and autonomous systems, you may have come across the term sensor fusion. A mysterious term, it may seem, but it is actually a vital component in the advancement of autonomous robots. What exactly is sensor fusion? And how does it contribute to the […]

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Can an Anti-inflammatory Diet Reduce the Frequency of Migraine Attacks?

Migraines are a common yet debilitating condition that affects millions of people. Characterized by intense throbbing headaches, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, migraines can significantly impair quality of life. Many of you may wonder, can diet play a role in managing migraine symptoms? Can an anti-inflammatory diet be the […]

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Can Virtual Cooking Classes Improve Dietary Habits in Busy Professionals?

The correlation between diet and health is a well-established fact. The food we consume directly impacts our health, weight, and overall well-being. However, the hustle and bustle of professional life often leave us with less time to plan and prepare nutritious meals. Consequently, many of us resort to convenience food that may not always be […]

Homotropolis - læs mere - hits: 42
How Are Advanced Algorithms Reducing Energy Consumption in High-Performance Computing?

Power consumption has become one of the main challenges in the field of computing, especially with the advent of cloud and high-performance computing systems. The crux of the matter is how to create a balance between energy consumption and performance for these energy-intensive systems. The answer to this conundrum lies in leveraging advanced algorithms to […]

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What’s the Impact of IoT on Enhancing Accessibility for People with Disabilities?

Individuals with disabilities have often battled with barriers of accessibility in their day-to-day lives. However, the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has ushered in a new era of unprecedented accessibility solutions. As your trusted source of information, we delve into how IoT is helping people with disabilities lead more fulfilling lives. The Concept […]

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What’s the Impact of Positive Self-Talk on Endurance in Competitive Rowers?

You’re probably familiar with the concept of self-talk. It’s that little voice in your head, constantly providing a running commentary on your life. Some people hear this voice more often than others, and the contents can vary greatly. For athletes, this inner dialogue can significantly affect their performance, especially in endurance sports like rowing. In […]

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How to Ensure UK Property Developments Comply with New Accessibility Standards?

In the realm of property development, the necessity for compliance with newly issued accessibility standards is becoming increasingly crucial. These standards are designed to cater to the needs of various people, ensuring that homes and buildings are accessible to all, regardless of age, disability, or other factors that could potentially limit access. The UK government […]

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How to Introduce Eco-Friendly Pet Care Practices in Your Daily Routine?

With the growing concerns about the environment, being eco-friendly has become not just a trend, but a necessity. This extends beyond our own personal routines to include the care we provide for our pets. You may wonder how you can make your pet care practices more sustainable. This article serves as a guide to help […]

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What’s the Best Technique to Assist a Cat with Grooming as It Ages?

As pet owners, you wholeheartedly understand that your relationship with your feline friend transcends the boundaries of pet and owner. They quickly become integral members of your family. This bond deepens as your pet ages, and with that growing relationship comes the responsibility to provide your senior cat with the best care possible. One aspect […]

Homotropolis - læs mere - hits: 38
How Can You Incorporate a Tweed Mini Skirt into Your Winter Office Wardrobe?

As the frosty winter months approach and the temperature begins to drop, we often find ourselves in a fashion predicament. With our usual office outfits not quite cutting it in the colder climate, we need to rethink our work wardrobe. But fear not, ladies! Tweed mini skirts could be your winter work style saviour. This […]

Homotropolis - læs mere - hits: 33
What Are the Best Sheer Blouse Designs for Layering in the Workplace?

The sheer blouse, a quintessential wardrobe staple, is an item that exudes both elegance and sophistication. Touted as one of the most versatile pieces in a woman’s closet, it offers a perfect blend of style, comfort, and fashion. Its delicate fabric can make any outfit look chic and trendy, from casual to office wear. In […]

Homotropolis - læs mere - hits: 25
Can Enzyme Engineering Lead to More Effective Biodegradable Plastics in the UK?

In the face of escalating environmental issues, one question looms large: "Can enzyme engineering lead to more effective biodegradable plastics in the UK?" Let’s unravel this mystery together, you savvy environmental enthusiasts. Enzymes and Plastic Degradation Have you heard about the role of enzymes in plastic degradation? Your curiosity may have drawn you to the […]

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What Are the Signs of Separation Anxiety in Pet Pigs, and How to Alleviate It?

Many people think of dogs when they hear the term "separation anxiety" in pets. However, it’s not just our canine friends who can suffer from this condition. As more people are discovering, pigs can be terrific pets. They are intelligent, social animals, and they bond closely with their human families. But, just like dogs, pet […]

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What’s the Best Way to Style a Suede Midi Dress for an Office Party?

It’s time to redefine your wardrobe. The calendar is marked for that much-awaited office holiday party, and the pressure is on to look your absolute best. You’ve taken the bold step and decided to wear a suede midi dress – a perfect blend of stylish, classy, and comfortable. Wonderful choice! But now comes the question: […]

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How to Create a Wildlife-Friendly Garden in Urban UK Settings?

In the heart of bustling urban environments, the concept of creating a space that encourages and supports wildlife may appear challenging, if not impossible. However, regardless of the size of your outdoor area, you can indeed incorporate aspects of nature into your city life. We’ll delve into the details and provide practical tips on how […]

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How Can Biofeedback Technologies Help Manage Stress in High-Pressure UK Work Environments?

In an era where work pressure is escalating, stress management has become a pressing issue for many. Biofeedback is a technological solution that has been gaining traction in the United Kingdom for its potential in managing stress. But how does it work, and how can it benefit employees under pressure? Let’s delve into the science […]

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Rusland stempler LGBTbevægelse som ekstremistisk

For knap to uger siden har de russiske myndigheder sat seksuelle mindretal i "den internationale LGBTbevægelse" på en sortliste over "terrorister og ekstremister".

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 47
Eurovision 2024 sådan skal de optræde i semifinalerne 

I dag offentliggjorde arrangørerne af årets Eurovision i Malmö, SVT og EBU, den rækkefølge, som landene i deres respektive semifinaler vil optræde i. 

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 83
Flot sceneudgave af Händels barokoratorie om Kong Saul

Operaen har set rigtigt med igen at invitere den visonære operainstruktør Barrie Kosky til København. Ligesom med Tryllefløjten og Carmen får vi et visuelt flot udtryk på scenen. 

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Sikkert teatergys

NørregadeTeatret har sammen med Sjællands Teater taget en ikke ofte spillet teatergenre i Danmark op,nemlig teatergyseren, og det er blevet til en gysende god forestilling.

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Smuk sang og forvirring

Ariadne på Naxos er fuld af den skønneste musik fra Richard Strauss, som bliver flot formidlet på Operaen i en iscenesættelse, der ikke hjælper den i forvejen forvirrede handling på vej.

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Musikken redder Askepot

Den nye musicaludgave af eventyret om Askepot er et flot show i Tivolis Koncertsal med masser af god musik skrevet af Rasmus Seebach.

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Jytte er tilbage i sjovt marketingsshow

Teatersuccesen fra Nørrebro Teater, Jytte fra Marketing er desværre gået for i dag, er tilbage i en ferm turneudgave på Folketeatret. 

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 133
Ghana skærper lovgivning mod homoseksualitet 

I sidste uge vedtog Ghanas parlament enstemmigt en lov, der udvider rammerne for at straffe homoseksualitet. 

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 138
Dobbeltvoldtægt på Gamle Scene

En umoden ogselvfed helt, der bevæger sig rundt i en tudegrim scenografi, gør Den JyskeOperas produktion af Massenets Werther skiftevis frastødende og ligegyldig.

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Smuk balletaften

Den Kongelige Ballet er tilbage med deres blandede balletprogram Giant Steps, der er tilegnet de store koreografer denne gang med to klassikere og en helt ny ballet. 

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Hjerne over hjerte

Floris Vissers produktionaf "Madame Butterfly" forrykker det dramatiske fokus og opnår dermed detmodsatte af intentionen, nemlig at opføre Puccinis mesterværk på en måde, dergør heltinden nærværende.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 105
Dukkerne hitter igen i Fredericia

Avenue Q er tilbage på Fredericia Musical Teater, og den nu 20 år gamle forestilling kan stadig more et moderne publikum.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 130
Malmö Opera leverer med Turandot endnu en træfsikkeropsætning

Trods uberettiget negativomtale i Politiken er Malmö Operas produktion af Puccinis Turandot megetvellykket endda mere ift. til det sceniske end det vokale og den er et godteksempel på, at opsætninger, der respekterer tid og sted, giver mere mening endderes moderne modstykker.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 102
Bliv klogere på mennesket i Allerød

Mungo Park serverer hele menneskehedens historie gennem de sidste 200 millioner år i et forrygende tempo og med masser af energi.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 115
Matador er stadig en umulig musical

Sidst vi så Matador på scenen, var i 2009, da Peter Langdal nærmest dræbte den folkekære serie på Operaens Store Scene. Lidt bedre går det denne gang, men Matador vil ikke på grund af denne musical få fat i et nyt publikum.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 178
SABA vinder Melodi Grand Prix 2024

I aften fik vi navnet på vinderen af Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, der om knap tre måneder skal forsvare de danske farver ved Eurovision Song Contest i Malmö. Vinderen blev Saba med sangen Sand.

XQ28.dk - læs mere - hits: 129